Talent Managed.

Why manage digital talent any other way?

Trusted by Top Talent Agencies

The world’s best manage their roster on Pillar - with powerful tools and a bird’s eye view on analytics from IG, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and more.

Live Talent Rosters

Easily share content and stats with our Live Talent Roster templates. Say goodbye to screenshots, spreadsheets, and slides – forever.

Branded Media Kits

Design and launch stunning custom-branded media kits that highlight both your talent and your agency.


New Revenue Streams

Launch and manage courses, digital products, subscriptions, and more for your talent.

Share the Wealth

Auto-split revenue from individual creators so you don’t waste time keeping track of splits manually.

Have questions?

What is Pillar?

Pillar is the all-in-one business studio for creators and their managers. It comes with a no-code creator business platform that helps creators to achieve their income goals. Tens of thousands of creators (from streamers to athletes, musicians to podcasters) use Pillar as an all-in-one platform to manage their business. Pillar is the content hub they direct their community towards, as well as their storefront to sell  e-courses, subscriptions, digital products, and brand deal collaborations.

How do talent managers use Pillar?

Pillar for Managers helps agencies build live media kits, understand data, and monetize their roster of creators through mobile-optimized e-commerce stores. With Pillar, agencies have complete administrative control over their talents' link-in-bios. They can pull mailing lists, sell digital products/courses, and perform other tasks as well.

How is Pillar secured?

Pillar uses bank-grade security to protect talent and agency data.

What is Talent Roster?

Talent Roster is a customizable and shareable link highlighting your agency. It comes complete with social media stats as well as high-level metrics of your roster's reach to help you stand out. Brands or partners can book time directly on your Talent Roster.

How much does Pillar for Managers cost?

Please schedule a call with one of our platform specialists who will give you more information on our packages. Our platform specialist will also give you recommendations on which package will best suit your agency based on size and scope of work.

Coming Soon!

Brand Diary
Digital Rights Management
Job Board